Kapalbhati Pranayama (The detoxifier)
Kapalbhati is a hatha yoga shatkarma (cleansing) practice but also a vitalizing pranayama. Same as Bhastrika, Kapalbhati belongs to the heating group of the Yoga breathing practices. The fundamental difference to Bhastrika is: In Kapalbhati, the inhalation during the breathing is normal and only the exhalation is forceful.
‘Kapal’ means forehead and ‘bhati’ means to clean. This practice cleans your frontal lobe of the brain which is responsible for the understanding. The focus in this practice is to throw out as much as possible deposited carbon dioxide from the lungs and the blood stream through forceful exhalation. When you have less carbon dioxide in your blood stream, your breathing becomes smoother and more rhythmic, leaving you more active and energetic. That’s why it is called a vitalizing breathing technique.
The rapid exhalation, same as in Bhastrika, activates your metabolism and increases your body temperature. It is also a great cardio exercise for your heart muscles.

Sit in any comfortable posture with your spine upright. If you cannot sit on the floor, you can sit on a chair or bed. Close your mouth, inhale normally and exhale forcefully by using your abdominal muscles. When you use your abdominal muscles then you can use your full lungs capacity, the diaphragm goes upward which squeezes the lower part of the lungs, so it empties the lungs from carbon dioxide easily (less carbon dioxide, more oxygen). With more oxygen in your lungs and bloodstream you feel more vital and have more energy. One round of Kapalbhati can be 50 to 100 breaths according to your capacity. Do 3-5 rounds.

Those having high blood pressure, epilepsy, hernia, heart problems and recent surgery should not do this practice or consult your yoga teacher first. The best time to practice Kapalbhati is in the morning with an empty stomach (before breakfast). Never practice Kapalbhati or any other practice from the heating breathing yoga practices in the evening before bedtime, as they are all vitalizing, stimulating and energy giving practices.
Note: This practice is good for the heart but if you have a heart problem then DON’T do this practice.

Increases vitality, cleans the lungs to protect from cough and cold, mucus, controls diabetes, strengthens core muscles, makes your tummy more form and flat, and activates the frontal lobe of the brain which makes us more active and energetic
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