Ujjayi Pranayama (The regulator for the hormones and the heart)
Ujjayi in Sanskrit means victory. The original Sanskrit translation for Ujjayi Pranayama is:
- Ujjayi: Victory over
- Pranayama: Prana – life force, breath; Yama – control, restraint, regulation
Ujjayi breath belongs to the tranquilizing group of the Yoga breathing practices also known as psysic breathing. This mindful practice brings great ease to body and mind. By doing this breathing calmly and deeply you can regulate your physical reactions, mind, emotions, metabolism, blood pressure, thyroid gland and hormone secretion. The speed and quality of a persons breath reveals his or her emotional and mental state. There is a correlation between life expectancy and speed of breath. The slower and deeper you breathe, the longer you can live.
Slower breath promotes as well smooth flow of energy and is less stressful to vital organs such as the heart. Once the blood circulation becomes normal and smooth from heart to brain, it also tranquilizes the brain cells. In simple words: “Breathe right, and you can live longer.”
🔶 How to do?
Sit in any comfortable posture with your spine upright. If you cannot sit on the floor, you can sit on a chair or bed. Gently close your eyes. Close your mouth, inhale deeply and slowly through your nostrils. Bring your awareness to your throat pit. Contract your throat muscles gently and let the air go in, passing through the throat from nose to the lungs. Then exhale deeply and slowly, let the air go out, passing through the contracted throat from lungs to nose. Each inhalation and exhalation is long, full, deep, and controlled. The contraction of your throat pit makes a soft snoring or hissing sound. The mouth must remain closed throughout this practice.
This breath practice should be done patiently, in an even and steady manner, never forced and not cause stress. Relaxation is the cause and the result of proper Ujjayi breath. Ujjayi can be practised anywhere and at any time. Almost there are no precautions for this practice.
✔️ Benefits
Ujjayi breathing lengthens your breath and strengthens your lungs and diaphragm. It balances the thyroid gland, controls the blood pressure, cholesterol level, and heart rate as well as relaxes the mind. It has an overall calming effect on your nervous system and can have a positive impact on depression. Furthermore Ujjayi breathing gives you something to focus on (your throat pit) and when you focus on your breath, it brings you back into the present moment. Everyone can do this practice regardless any difficulties and diseases.